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Showing posts from January, 2011

Introducing Me

Hey, long time no see guys. Now I'm back here.. :) It's about 2 weeks ago, I watched Camp Rock II from my lappy. I like some songs in the movie, but there's one song that make me sooo like it! This song is from Nate (Nick Jonas) for Dana (Chloe Bridges)..  Why do I like this song? Well, some lyric there show who am I (not all from the lyric). Okay, this is the song :D ..............................................

My 3th Award

Wow, I get my 3th award! Vannice has given it to me. Thanks a lot Nice :) But I ever get it before. Let's check here . Once again, I give you a very big thanks Nice! God bless you always. 

10 Smartphones Interfaces Compared

I think we all can agree: However easy or hard it is to get around a phone's software features is just as crucial as its hardware frame. Over the past year, we've covered six mobile operating systems: Android, iOS, Windows Phone 7, BlackBerry OS 6, Symbian 3, and the forthcoming webOS 2.0. Judging the designs of these interfaces is subjective, so you may not agree with all our points if your phone runs on one of these platforms, but we CNET mobile editors align our views on the following 10 smartphone "skins."  1.  iOS 4   Like:  It's almost difficult to recall the days before Apple's iPhone shattered the norm of the shrunken desktop UI (adopted by many a smartphone OS) with its elegantly simple design. Since then, the iPhone 4  has beautifully carried on the tradition of finger-friendly icons on a series of swipable screens with some useful enhancements like a pop-under multitasking bar and folders for grouping similar apps. Rearranging icons can still ...

Nokia c7 Challenge

Bloggers, there is Nokia c7 challenge. Help me to vote this yaa guys. I need your vote here. I'm so happy and I have a big thanks to you who has given your vote here.

My 2nd Award

from  Farah 'rara' Awaliyah   This is my second award. Thanks a lot for  Farah  who has given this to me. Have your great life sista! :)

New Life :D

Wah, semua pada posting flash back di tahun 2010 dan wishes di tahun 2011. Aku pengen posting juga, tapi bingung mau nulis apa. Maklum, aku nggak pinter nulis. Okay, di tahun 2011 ini bakalan banyak tantangan buat aku. Pendaftaran sebagai mahasiswa, try out, ujian praktek, ujian Nasional, ujian sekolah, ospek, dll. Huff, lumayan nih. Bakalan banyak kerjaan di tahun 2011 ini. Emang nggak nyangka dan pastinya nggak terasa, kita udah masuk di tahun 2011. Dengan begini, aku baru berpikir, waktu itu berguna banget yaa! Seringkali aku guna'in waktu tu buat hal yang sia-sia. Browsing sampe nggak tau waktu atopun nonton tivi terus. Aku juga sampe lupa kalau tugas tuh masih banyak dan besok dikumpulin! Well, aku harus lebih semangat untuk tahun ini. Nggak cuma aku aja lho. Kamu semua juga harus semangat yaahh! Satu hal yang penting nih, manfaat'in waktu dengan baik. Tuh pelajaran yang aku dapet dari tahun 2010. Moga aja, juga bisa jadi pelajaran buat teman-teman semua. Ohy...