Hi guys! It has been a very long time not keep in touch with my blog. 1 year past and through lot of life-stories that can be told about. I'm not that good in writing (obviously), even sometimes I just think about "what else that I can share". But I realized that I have lot of stories about my experiences, I not tell you yet about my AIESEC-lyfe right? How about my working-lyfe in previous companies (yea there were 2 companies already)? and maybe you want to know more about my feeds in instagram. So.. Just stay tuned, because Eunike is back :)
I t has been one week after my last post and I want to tell you guys about my third and fourth in Palu. Well, it was around 1 month ago but I still wanna make a story about my third and fourth day. I will make them in one post here ;) In the third day, we had a presentation in SMAK Santo Andreas Palu. The presentation is simple with a question-answer session. After our presentation, mr. Agus invited us to go home and eat Palu's food in his relative's house. The name of this food is Binte. There is corn, fish meat, vegetables in the soup. It's reallyyyyyyy delicious and it makes me want to eat again but i was shy to take the food again :p We ate the Binte with a lot mr. Agus's relatives too and also with my partner, ms. Aulya. I didn't forget to take picture of mr. Agus's niece ;;) She is so cute, isn't she? :D After we had a nice conversation there, we went back to hotel again. Took a rest, and went to a walkbeach to drink Sarabak :p It was really a nice vie...